My Greatest Peachness

I seem to be cruising through day two, although it is only 11:30 in the morning. Yesterday though, more specifically last night, was challenging. I sent Casey, my husband to the store to get more veggies because let's face it, I didn't have the energy.  I was starving, withdrawing, craving and did I mention starving. He apparently found some ideas for tasty "dessert" juices.  You know where this is going, I cheated without technically cheating. I thought it best to share the recipe because, well, it was delicious.  In an ideal world, during our juice cleanse we would keep our juicing to include foods on the low end of the sugar index.. This one however, is not and frankly, sometimes I don't live up to ideal world standards.  But it is packed full of nutrients.  Which for tonight, is enough for me. 

My Greatest Peachness:

Simply juice and combine 1 sweet potato, 2 ripe peaces, 1 apple, some blueberries and a tiny bit of cinnamon.  We also removed our screen (masticating juicer) for this one so it was a little more fluffy in consistency. Enjoy, I know you will.

How is your juicing going?
